Training marketing on social media

Use authentic video content and target trainees via social media
Videos for your trainee recruiting - Here's how!
Preview of the Mozaik app for the case of trainee marketing videos (apprenticeship marketing)
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How education marketing 2.0 works on social media

Training marketing 2.0 takes place primarily on the interactive Internet. Social media plays a particularly important role here - the place where trainees are also active in their free time and absorb content and information.

The video format provides an authentic insight into the company and: it addresses the young target group specifically on their favorite channels and ensures greater reach. The good thing is that video content on social media does not have to be complicated or expensive to produce.

So the golden formula for successful trainee recruiting is pretty simple: Authentic videos on social media. No more and no less.

Preview of the Mozaik video app and a trainee marketing video (apprenticeship marketing)

The best way to start is with yourself: Create a FAQ video for your trainee recruiting!

You shot the video in just a few minutes!

  1. Think about 3 questions. For example, you can choose 3 questions that will be asked most often during the application process and interview.
  2. Create a free account with the video software solution Mozaik.
  3. Now select your desired video template. The templates will guide you through the entire structure of the videos. Alternatively, you can simply put together your very own template using the modular system.
  4. Work through the shots you need step by step - you'll see it's super easy.
  5. Now just add the company color and logo and enter the texts that match the video.
  6. Your first trainee video is ready to post on social media!

What are you waiting for?

Grab your colleagues or your trainees and shoot a few authentic trainee recruitment videos. Try out our free 14-day trial period - you don't have to cancel it after it expires.

How Mozaik users do it

Here's why you're right on target with your education marketing on social media

  • The trainees you are looking for belong to Generation Z: they were born between 1995 and 2010, many of them are now on the threshold of working life or have already gained their first professional experience. They are digital natives, having grown up with smartphones.
  • They use social media not only for entertainment, but also for shopping inspiration and as a source of news and, above all, information .
  • Seven out of ten Generation Z candidates consider companies' social media offerings to be positive.
  • ‍In addition, 89% of 16 to 24-year-olds can be found on social networks, which is why trainee recruitment in this area definitely belongs on the employer branding to-do list.

Concrete ideas to attract trainees

  • Introduction videos: A big question on young people's minds: "Who are my future colleagues?" So show the faces behind the company and you will immediately have a better chance of attracting new trainees. An introduction video like this is very easy to create with the employee introduction template, for example.
  • Job advertisements video: Show the young target group what jobs and apprenticeships you have to offer. A little tip: Have your current trainees describe their own jobs themselves, in line with the motto " Trainees recruit trainees". Because your trainees speak the same language as those you would like to address with your training marketing. -> To the template
  • Does your trainees' future workplace look good? Then you can also show this in a short video. All you need is 4 panning shots in the office, workshop or meeting room and you have a short video that gives the future trainees an impression. You don't even need a person in front of the camera for such a video.

Frequently asked

On which channels do I post videos for my trainee recruiting?

Should I build two separate social media channels for marketing and employer branding?

Why should I use my trainees for trainee marketing?

What is the cost of a video for my education marketing on social media ?


As you can see, even if the video isn't perfect, it's still authentic. And with it, these companies reach their target group on an equal footing.
Create your own video now