Create your own explainer video now. Use our free trial period. You don't have to cancel it.
No matter what you want to explain, with these different implementation options you can map everything in an understandable way.
Our recommendation is to create many small explainer videos with compressed content. You then embed these in the appropriate place.
Integration into processes:
Engagement Learning Platform:
Integration of external communication:
Integration of internal communication:
Mozaik is designed to provide fully automated consistency for your explainer videos. Mozaik automatically integrates your corporate design (logo and color) and thus ensures a professional appearance of all your explainer videos. It also makes explainer videos scalable. Creation with Mozaik is fast, easy and uncomplicated. And always with the focus that you and your guests can create the videos themselves. Thus, we do not map the creation of animated explainer videos. These are usually longer and very time-consuming, which is why it is worth hiring an agency for this. However, if you already have individual animated explainer clips, you can of course upload them as a video recording in Mozaik and use them.
With Mozaik, you can create up to 8 explainer videos for €139.00 per month. You receive the software including training and personal support for all your questions. Your explainer videos are always produced in multiple formats and with your corporate design elements (logo and color). Alternatively, there is the desire for animated explainer videos, for which an agency should be consulted, but this quickly becomes expensive and costs a four-figure sum.