Get started with trainee videos for your company. Try our free 14-day trial period - you don't have to cancel it.
For more information on why apprentices are perfect for your employer branding videos, check out our blog article.
There you are relatively free:
If you have videos produced externally, you can quickly lose a four-figure sum. It is therefore worth looking into in-house production. In our example calculation, a self-produced trainee video costs less than €60. One hour of internal staff time (20€/h) is calculated for one video. The pro rata software costs for a Mozaik Entry package with distributable usage rights for the trainees (€139 per month), if 4 videos are created per month, amount to €34.75 per video. The more regularly and frequently videos are created internally, the fewer resources are required per video, which can reduce the internal costs per video to up to €20.