A remote video interview is a video format in which two people appear: a questioner and an interviewee. The special challenge is that both persons are not at the same place. A recorded video call is out of the question because the quality is not sufficient for external communication on social media and the like. Here we explain how a remote interview can succeed in a high-quality and simple way.
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For a remote interview, you need a cloud-based video solution first and foremost. You need to be able to create a video with your interviewee without being in the same place. In addition, the interviewee may not have sufficient knowledge of how to shoot video. The Mozaik solution is cloud-based and device-independent, allowing multiple people to work on a project simultaneously. There are video recording instructions for the person being interviewed, so they can directly fill the recordings in the app. Otherwise, you can also import the other person's recordings as external videos.
A remote interview not only saves you time and capacity - it is also more flexible and time-saving for your interview partner. First of all, it's easier for you to get to one of your interview partners, since you both don't have to be at the same place. This saves the often tedious appointment finding, the drive to the other person and the interview partner:in can record the video flexibly according to time availability. You can use these arguments as an advantage when looking for a suitable person.
People love people. Videos with people in front of the camera generally work better than videos without people in front of the camera. A conversation between two people is usually more natural than a single person speaking to the camera. And if the interview is too long for social media, you can easily split the questions into two or more short clips and have more video content for your followers.
In the beginning, a short brainstorming session with one or two colleagues is best. For which case do you want to produce videos? You can easily conduct an interview within your company. For an employer branding video, for example, you can take the most frequently asked questions in the application process as an orientation for the topic of an interview video and ask a person from HR. If the video is about a product, for example, the most frequently asked questions to the sales department are suitable. If you are working on content marketing, you might want to ask external experts about a topic. Think about which questions your target group would like to have answered or in which topic you and your company want to position yourself as mediators. You see... topics for interview videos are practically at your feet.