The video script is the preparation for you or your team. The better you plan your video project in advance, the quicker and smoother the implementation will be.
If you create your video script yourself, it is often quite time-consuming. You will need the following content:
If you create a lot of videos, the script creation process is very time-consuming. With Mozaik's Video Script Planner, the whole thing is quick and easy thanks to professional templates. No matter whether you are planning your own project or creating it for a colleague.
Never write complex video scripts again!
No more worrying about the video structure. Trust our experts.
With the briefings for the individual scenes, you ensure that colleagues or clients receive the right instructions during the shoot.
Thanks to our templates, you don't have to worry about the visuals and transitions in the video. Choose the design you like best.
You'll love these Mozaik features!
A script contains all the information about the individual scenes, audio, text and graphics.
With Mozaik's Script Planner, you no longer have to worry about the structure, graphics, animations and audio. You can focus on the content and the creation of your video.
Our recommendation is not to write a ready-made speech text in the briefing, but only the general framework of the video and a few key points about the content. This guarantees that the people in front of the camera can speak as freely as possible and do not have to memorize or read out text modules.
Yes, because a video script is simply the planning of your video. The more well thought-out your video script is, the faster and smoother the implementation will be. You'll benefit most from a video script with a briefing if you don't shoot the content yourself, but distribute the video project to colleagues or even customers, for example. This ensures that there are no unanswered questions during the video shoot and that people know exactly what they have to do. They are guided through the video creation process with your briefings, which speeds up and simplifies the whole thing.