Plan your videos even better with the Briefing feature! Write a custom brief for your video projects to ensure you get exactly the video you need.

Whether you're inviting external people to your project via guest invitations, want to give clearer instructions to your team, or as a lone wolf just want to jot down a few bullet points - the briefing function is the way to go!

Plan your videos even better with the Briefing feature! Write a custom brief for your video projects to ensure you get exactly the video you need.

Whether you're inviting external people to your project via guest invitations, want to give clearer instructions to your team, or as a lone wolf just want to jot down a few bullet points - the briefing function is the way to go!

Here's how it works:

  1. When opening new or existing projects in the Mozaik Web App, you will now notice that the view has been divided into two tabs:
  2. "Recordings & Planning": Here you can plan your projects in the future.
  3. "Post-Processing": once your footage is in the can, this is the place to put the finishing touches on your video.
  4. Under "Shooting & Planning" you will now find the briefing texts on the right side.
  5. Using the "Edit" button, you can enter your own briefing instructions instead of the standard texts.
  6. Once your texts are saved, both team members and guests will see your briefing instructions in the mobile app and web app from now on.

You can find a step by step guide here.