Create remote video

How can I quickly and easily create a corporate video remotely without equipment or preparation?
Remote Video - How to do it!
Preview of the Mozaik app for the case of remote video (Create Remote Video)
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Remote corporate video - What is it?

By remote video we mean a video that is not created in the office, but on the road or from home. This can be at a trade fair or in the home office, where more and more employees are located. The challenge that you and your employees have is the lack of equipment and the lack of support from colleagues on site. Here we explain what you should pay attention to so that it still succeeds.

Preview of the Mozaik video app and a remote video (Remote Video)

Remote Video with Mozaik: How to do it in minutes!

  1. Create a free account with the video software Mozaik.
  2. Open the Mozaik mobile app and choose your desired video template.
  3. Create your recording(s).
  4. Check your recording(s) and create several versions if necessary while you are still on site. If you find a mistake afterwards, you can easily exchange a recording.
  5. Your team can now access the project from the comfort of their office and finalize the video design and add text. Your team can also see all versions of a recording and choose the best one.
  6. You and your team can easily access the final video. You'll even get push notifications when your video is ready.

You can create the simplest remote video using the Short Statement storyline template.

To the video template →

How Mozaik users do it

You should definitely keep these points in mind when creating remote video:

  • Choose a quiet location. Your location should be windless and as quiet as possible. Since you're on the road, you probably won't have an external microphone with you. You should take this point all the more seriously for a remote video.
  • Use a natural soft light. Faces should always be softly lit if you want to make a sympathetic impression - that means no harsh shadows on the face. This is especially important in a business context. You can get soft light from a large light source that is close to you, such as a window front. Position yourself with your face towards the light source. Here you can find tips on how to optimally illuminate a face.
  • Use everyday objects as tripods. If you want to create a remote video, you probably don't have a tripod handy. For example, use your open laptop to lean your smartphone on. Often you can also use a shelf to place the smartphone there. If you want to make a video standing up, you should place your smartphone at eye level.
  • Use remote-enabled software if you want your team to access the remote video. For example, if you want your marketing team to finalize and post the video, you don't want to have to send out each shot individually. Choose software that allows you to work remotely on video. With Mozaik, you're all set for corporate video: You create a few shots and your team can directly access, edit, finalize and post your remote video.

Frequently asked

What is remote video?

Which remote video app is suitable for enterprise video?

Where do I share my remote video?


As you can see, even if the video isn't perfect, it's still authentic. And with it, these companies reach their target group on an equal footing.
Create your own video now