Person introduction by video

Create a short, authentic video about yourself for social media, website & co.
Introducing people via video - Here's how!
Preview of the Mozaik app for the case of personal presentation video (Person presentation)
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Person introduction - What does it depend on?

Would you like to introduce yourself personally in a modern and creative video, true to the motto "just something different"?

Short introduction videos are particularly suitable for social media. Posting a short video in your LinkedIn profile is currently popular - a so-called cover story. But you can also shine with a personal introduction embedded on your website or as a link in your email signature.

Preview of the Mozaik video app and personal presentation video (person presentation)

Introduction via video: This is how it works!

  1. Make a short bullet point list so you can confidently get across the content you want.
  2. Find a quiet environment and a holder for your phone, or ask someone to film you.
  3. Create a free account with the video software Mozaik.
  4. If you want to create a LinkedIn cover story, we already have a ready-made template for you.
  5. Film your scenes and see if you are satisfied with the result.
  6. Now just add the company color and logo and enter the texts that match the video.
  7. Your first personal introduction video is ready, which you can immediately post on social media, for example!

To template →

What are you waiting for?

Create your own introduction video now. Simply use our free 14-day trial period. You don't have to cancel afterwards.

How Mozaik users do it

This is how your authentic person introduction succeeds:

  • Be authentic and confident. This is not only important in the general introduction. Your appearance also counts in the audition video. Whew, that's not so easy, especially in front of the camera. But here's a little tip: Before the shoot, stand in front of a mirror and practice speaking freely. That way you'll get used to talking out loud and see yourself, so you can pay attention to your gestures and facial expressions. Use your normal language, even in dialect, and use only words that fit the environment and are understood by everyone. The simpler and more natural you introduce yourself, the more self-confidence you radiate.
  • This brings us to the next point: Make bullet points, not continuous text! Because nothing is worse than learning a text by heart and then simply rattling it off. The more enthusiasm and passion you bring across, the more exciting what you say will be. And that works best with just a short and concise bullet point list.
  • Personal data first. Of course, the hard facts belong to the personal introduction first. First of all, state your name. Depending on the occasion, information about your age or place of residence may also be useful for your counterpart. And since we are in a professional context: State your field of activity or your job title in the company.
  • Short and concise content, because less is more. Your complete professional biography would go beyond the scope of a short video. Think about where you want to publish the video so that you can convey value-added content to viewers. Maybe you have a cool short story about what you're passionate about, what you focus on, or what you're passionate about. Why are you interesting to viewers? What skills do you have? How will viewers benefit from knowing you?
  • Very important: Don't forget the call to action at the end. You have managed to get people interested in you and your skills. Use exactly this interest! What do you want to achieve with the video? Do you want viewers to network with you? Should they write to you or visit your website? At the end, ask viewers to take action and tell them where and how they can reach you.

Frequently asked

Where do I post my person introduction video?

What is the best length for a person introduction?

What do I wear for an audition video?

Where is the best place to shoot my person introduction video?


As you can see, even if the video isn't perfect, it's still authentic. And with it, these companies reach their target group on an equal footing.
Create your own video now