You've probably ended up here on the Mozaik website because you don't want to spend hours or days editing your videos. There's no question that filler words like "um" or "uh" have to be cut out every now and then.

And so that you get a good result as quickly as possible instead of searching for the right spot on the trimmer timeline, this smart feature allows you to cut your recordings based on text.

Mozaik automatically creates a so-called "transcript" for every recording that you upload to the Mozaik cloud - i.e. a transcript of the spoken content of the recording. This transcript is automatically synchronized with your recording so that it automatically "runs" with your recording. This allows you to edit your recording simply by deleting individual words or certain sections.

You can use this function to

  • edit your recordings text-based,
  • Remove all pauses with a single click,
  • Restore deleted text sections and
  • Reset all changes with one click.

  • Simple video editing without a timeline
  • Intuitive and convenient handling thanks to automatically generated transcript
  • Complete video editing on a single platform