The platform that simplifies all video processes.

Mozaik is powerful enough to help you through every step of the video creation process, yet still simple enough to use, that anyone on the team can use the platform.

Now what?
Simply. Create. Videos.

Creating authentic corporate videos doesn't have to be complicated. You just have to do it! Mozaik helps you plan, create, edit, and publish your video throughout the entire process.
Share screen of different video types inside the Mozaik app

Over 16,000 users
use Mozaik for

What our users say

Lechwerke AG

"One thing we can definitely say is that when we include videos in posts about vacancies on social media, we get a lot more interaction and engagement on the post. Our new colleague became aware of a vacancy through a shared LinkedIn post because an old school friend who works at LEW was in the video and shared the post with his network on LinkedIn. Now they both work together in the same team at LEW."

Lechwerke AG
Kathrin Skowronek
Personnel Marketing & Employer Branding Officer
Lechwerke AG
Westnetz GmbH

"The production of authentic and appealing videos is often slow, time-consuming and cost-intensive. With Mozaik, we can now produce individually branded videos for our HR marketing and recruiting activities cost-effectively and in just a few steps."

Westnetz GmbH
Julien Bick
Personnel marketing & staff retention
Westnetz GmbH
DB Systemtechnik GmbH

"The corporate design and brand kit Mozaik implemented for us allows us to create consistent and professional videos that fit our brand perfectly. The video templates are versatile and save us a lot of time in design. Mozaik also simplifies collaboration across different departments. Everyone:r can contribute their ideas and work together without any delays. Mozaik has taken our video marketing to a new level."

DB Systemtechnik GmbH
Louisa Egger
Sales DB Group and Marketing (TT.TMK)
DB Systemtechnik GmbH
AOK Bayern

"Mozaik allows us to create videos for numerous topics quickly, easily, and professionally. The great thing is that because it's so simple, many employees can create videos anywhere they want."

AOK Bayern
Daniel Weiß
Deputy Director
AOK Bayern
eza GmbH

"We use Mozaik to make specific topics tangible for end consumers in our energy tips videos. It simplifies and speeds up the creation of social media posts. We've noticed that the videos increase our views and interactions, enhancing our reach on social media."

eza GmbH
Maximilian Notz
Event Management
eza GmbH
Vitas GmbH

"We use Mozaik for our HR marketing, because with Mozaik our employees can record their video sequences completely remote. This allows us to produce and publish videos without much effort and within a very short time."

Vitas GmbH
Sandra Waniek
Marketing Manager
Vitas GmbH
Sparkasse Kaufbeuren

"It was precisely the trend towards video content that prompted us to introduce Mozaik in the company. Creative ideas can be realized faster and unbureaucratically in high-quality info videos. The team around Neele and David provide great support and regularly helps us to introduce further modules."

Sparkasse Kaufbeuren
Michael Sambeth
Head of Marketing
Sparkasse Kaufbeuren
EnBW Energy Community e.V.

"So far, we've been shooting with our professional camera and then editing and converting the footage into an appealing format. Now we're faster and easier with Mozaik. We use the camera of our cell phones for filming, and Mozaik takes care of video editing and rendering for us in the background. This way, we have a finished video within a very short time that we can publish right away."

EnBW Energy Community e.V.
Tobias Kemmler
Division Manager
EnBW Energy Community e.V.
Swoboda Technologies KG

"We used Mozaik for short introduction videos of our trainees. Our goal was to present people and activities as authentically as possible and to give viewers a brief insight into our company. With Mozaik, it was quick and easy to shoot several clips in the direct work environment."

Swoboda Technologies KG
Korbinian König
Corporate Communications Manager
Swoboda Technologies KG
Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH

"We use Mozaik to complement our inhouse video department as it is so easy to use and colleagues from different departments can create videos, regardless of their video editing skills. So we can quickly and easily create videos for HR marketing, for example."

Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH
Larissa Härtel
Social Media Manager
Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH
Firstmed Services GmbH

"We've been trying to find a tool for our video marketing that our colleagues could easily use without any prior knowledge. Mozaik is perfect for this purpose - we produce testimonial videos with clients about our services every month. The Mozaik team is always ready to help and answers all our questions quickly."

Firstmed Services GmbH
Eszter Hajdu
Marketing Manager
Firstmed Services GmbH
Allgäu GmbH

"With Mozaik, we were able to quickly and easily create videos for social media and for our online events. We used Mozaik primarily for event announcements and accompanying content at online events. We're delighted with how intuitive the app is and how much we've been able to enhance our online content with Mozaik videos."

Allgäu GmbH
Sophia Negro
Online Marketing Manager
Allgäu GmbH

Optimized for video creation with teams

Mozaik is the first software that completely automates the technical side of video production, putting the full focus on what's really important: Your content and the collaboration within your team.

No editing timeline, no know-how needed

With Mozaik, no one in your organization needs to have experience with video editing, because the all-in-one video solution for corporate videos takes care of all the post-processing of your videos on its own!

This means that no editing timeline is necessary, like with other video software. You and your colleagues simply add your video recordings to the Mozaik project, add the color scheme and logo, and with the click of a button, the video is completed automatically.

This way, you'll be able to create video content on a regular basis - in a fraction of the time it used to take.

The first completely cloud-based video collaboration

Whether your company has multiple locations or branches, your employees work from home, or your team is located in different time zones, Mozaik makes collaboration possible.

You can invite, brief and manage team members and guests for your Mozaik video project.

Mozaik's cloud technology allows you to start, continue, and complete any video project regardless of location or time.

Your colleagues, customers or other guests create their video recordings directly in the Mozaik project and you can then easily combine them into a finished video on your desktop PC, without having to send annoying file links.

Even your graphics department will love Mozaik

To ensure that your videos corresponds with the visual communication aesthetics of your company, Mozaik automatically incorporates your corporate design into the animations and transitions of the finished videos.

Simply upload your logo and color code, and the software will adjust every color element and insert the logo in the video. It's never been easier to create professional and CI-compliant videos!

If you have any special requests, our design team will work with your graphics department to create custom templates for you.